Gail Carriger’s name is frequently appended by less formal titles
than those claimed by her Victorian characters. She’s been aptly described as Gail Carriger: New York Times bestselling author in PR material and, among speculative fiction fans, her name is commonly associated with Steampunk, Teapunk, Mannerspunk and a number of other subgenre descriptors that try (and fail) to put her work into a single category. Aside from the various handles ascribed to Carriger as the popular contemporary writer behind the Parasol Protectorate series, she can also claim Masters degrees in both Archaeology and Anthropology, two disciplines that make her uniquely qualified to make a career of refashioning a bygone era, telling new and fantastic stories about manners, machines, and empire making in the bargain. Her next book, Etiquette and Espionage, will be out in February.